Steering System Components

The automobile steering system mainly consists of three parts: steering control mechanism, steering gear and steering transmission mechanism.

Steering control mechanism:

Main components: steering wheel, steering shaft, steering column, etc.

Function: As an interface between the driver and the car's steering system, it transmits the driver's steering force to the steering gear. Through this mechanism, the driver can easily control the driving direction of the vehicle.

Steering gear:

This part can convert the rotational motion of the steering wheel into the swing of the steering rocker arm or the linear reciprocating motion of the rack shaft, and amplify the steering control force.

Location: Usually fixed on the car frame or body.

Function: As a deceleration and force-increasing transmission device in the steering system, it can not only amplify the force input by the driver through the steering wheel, but also change the direction of force transmission to ensure that the vehicle can turn according to the driver's intention.

Steering transmission mechanism:

Function: Transmit the force and motion output by the steering gear to the wheels (steering knuckles), and control the left and right wheels to deflect according to a certain relationship. This part ensure that the steering wheels on both sides can deflect according to the driver's intention, and keep the deflection angles of the two steering wheels in a certain relationship to reduce the relative slip between the wheels and the ground, and improve the vehicle's steering performance and driving stability.
